The art is the floating life
It is written about me in an swedish art lexicon that I paint autobiographicly images. It is truth with a modification. My life is more likely the art, because I am chosing to live in an a expressive way and that is the art I create. The paintings are an after construction and a rexflexion of the life I live, and that life is the real art for me.
Painting as a lifestyle
For me is it a personal option for every person who wants to live and paint expressive. It is a chose for every individual souls freedom above the humane reason. Even the famous philosopher Nietzsche had doubts about if we can reach the truth about the world only through our human reason. That is why I think it is important to search for answers about life and death in a expressive attitude towards life. I chose to create my life in a expressive way and that is my art and then I make comments about my life in my paintings and artworks.
I started paint when I was about twenty years old and I paint in a modernistic expressive tradition. With predecessors as the artists Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch, but my art are more in an american expressive tradition then an european tradition.
The american expressionism painters as Elaine de Kooning, Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock is my prime models as an artist. And my largest inspirition right now do I find in artists as Bruce Robbins(american) and Erland Cullberg(swedish).